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Benefits of waxing Under Arm Pits
Results will last longer
No skin irritation
No cuts
No razor bumps
Smooth results
Hair removed from the root
Hair becomes less and sometimes thinner
This treatment consist of 3+ consecutive professional in office treatment every 10-15 days apart. Results will depend on client's lifestyle and their home-care usages.
There are a few steps involved in this service.
First, let me mention that a HOME CARE KIT IS A MUST. Your HOME CARE KIT will last for about 5-10+ treatment depending on the area being treated.
Second, We will start off with waxing, so you will need to have your arm pit hair grown out, about 1/4 inch, a size of a rice grain. After waxing your skin will need to recover for 5 days. DO NOT Shave hair during the duration of this process.
Third, Client will leave appointment with lightening solution on area being treated for 4hrs then wash off at home with cool water. So please plan for this appointment.
Fourth, This treatment will only be treated to clients that are using the home care kit from Lavish studio.
1st Appointment $185
Waxing, Consult, Information on treatment and kit
wait 5 days....
2nd Appointment $99 ( Reg. $115)
1st lightening treatment and kit information
Take HOME KIT home
10 days later...
3rd -4th+ Brightening appt. $99 (Reg $115) per treatment
At any time underarm waxing is needed $20
( at this point you will need to wait 5 days)
What to Avoid: Client must abstain from any outdoor or indoor activities that causes friction to the treated area, including intimacy if treating bikini area. Area is being exfoliated and lightened, do not irritate area. Try to avoid tight clothes, avoid saunas, steam room and hot bath/shower right after professional in office treatment. NOT following this advice may cause (PIH) Post inflammatory Hyperpigmentation, which it will make it very difficult to have optimum results.
Home care kit is a MUST it will include 5 solution that will need to be applied as instructed in kit.
You will NOT use deodorant for at least 2-3 days after treatment. This will give time for area to recover. You will be given a one time sample anti-friction powder to use on arm pits. Regular size bottle can be purchased $19.99
**Brightening treatment will only be treated to clients that uses HOME CARE KIT FROM LAVISH STUDIO
Sorry not suitable for treatment: Must not be pregnant or lactating.
Under 18 years old, Rash or irritated skin, diabetes, any immune disease, active herpes blisters, or any other existing condition that may interfere with the positive outcome of this treatment.